Bloomberg Law
May 15, 2024, 3:24 PM UTC

Kavanaugh Bests Two Fellow Justice Runners in Washington Race

Seth Stern

Brett Kavanaugh proved fastest among the three Supreme Court justices who ran the ACLI Capital Challenge, though he got beat by the solicitor general.

Kavanaugh, 59, finished the three-mile race on Wednesday in 24 minutes, 20 seconds, which was slightly behind his 2023 pace.

That was good enough to place him 236th of the 531 rain-soaked participants in the race around Anacostia Park in Washington. But that wasn’t good enough to top Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar of team “Racing in the Morning Suits Us.” She finished in 22 minutes, 23 seconds.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, 52, who was part of the “Sua Sprinte” team, finished in 26 minutes, 9 seconds. She was ahead of Ketanji Brown Jackson, 53, who wore a T-shirt bearing her team name, “Junior Justice League,” and finished in 33 minutes, 24 seconds.

Videos of Kavanaugh and Jackson at the finish line posted by race organizers show both accompanied by what appears to be security officers running alongside them.

Kavanaugh lined up at the start of the race where the fastest starters congregate.

Kavanaugh told attendees at a US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit conference last week that he’s completed three marathons. He also said he’s the only justice who plays basketball at the court inside the Supreme Court, known internally as the “highest court in the land.”

A current Barrett clerk finished first among judicial branch participants. Nathaniel Sutton, son of Sixth Circuit Judge Jeffrey Sutton, finished third overall with a time of 15:44.

Representatives of the other branches running included Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who took selfies with people at the finish line.

—With assistance from Bloomberg Law, Bloomberg Government, and Bloomberg Tax staff

To contact the reporter on this story: Seth Stern in Washington at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Crawley at

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