Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Stop the headache of expensive system-hopping

Stop the headache of expensive system-hopping

Some law practices use islands of automation to run their business. Hopping between these systems can cause inconsistencies. Having to re-enter the same data over and over – what a headache. These islands cost you overhead over and over again. 
BaseNet Director Ruud Pepping explains that  you can save on system administration, document management, financial administration, website (tools), email servers, SAAS applications,  integration costs and more with the integrated cloud-based solutions from BaseNet. 

You can do almost all your work in one integrated system, saving you the time of hopping between applications. Also it will cut down the work for fee-burners. 
Pepping says that a recent survey among clients of BaseNet proved that the integrated solution saves serious time. The average time saved on a weekly basis  is about 9 hours per laywer.

By Guest Blogger: BaseNet