The New Hotness In Biglaw Perks? Peloton.

Will your firm pony up a similar perk?

(Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images)

We know that Biglaw is in the midst of a talent war, with associates reaping the benefits. The response from Biglaw has been pretty generous with the money (to some associates more than others), but they know that it’s going to take more than cold, hard cash to keep the associates they need. So, firms are looking for the new hotness designed to keep associates loyal.

Enter Peloton. The exercise bike/cult has been gaining in popularity since its 2012 introduction, but the COVID lockdowns really supercharged its fan base — just ask Joe Biden. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know the Peloton schtick, it’s pretty straight forward — you buy this super expensive bike that connects to the internet and pay a monthly fee to take online spin classes and connect with other users. Users swear by those classes and the stats and badges and say it keeps them motivated. Plus the whole global pandemic thing showed folks the real value of an at-home workout.

Anyway, O’Melveny & Myers — a firm with a history of caring about their employees’ well being — announced this week that they’re the first law firm to offer the Peloton Corporate Wellness program to lawyers and staff. As of October 6, all OMM employees in the U.S. will receive free access to a Peloton Digital Membership or subsidized pricing for an All-Access Membership, as well as preferred pricing on the Peloton Bike, and Bike+.

Nifty little perk they’ve got there. As the firm’s chief operating officer notes:

“We’re proud to be the first law firm to team with Peloton, the world’s leading interactive fitness platform,” said O’Melveny Chief Operating Officer George C. Demos, who chairs the firm’s Living Well Committee. “Peloton Corporate Wellness brings world-class content and instructors to our people in the comfort and convenience of their homes, making a healthy fitness routine more accessible for all. We’re pleased to make this valuable program available to our U.S.-based employees at subsidized pricing so they can experience the benefits of Peloton’s comprehensive platform.”

And OMM’s chair, Bradley Butwin, knows the benefits of the program, as he’s a user himself:


“Peloton has been a game changer for my own family, particularly since the start of the pandemic,” said O’Melveny chair Bradley J. Butwin. “Peloton provided my entire family with inspirational, efficient, challenging, and fun workouts, which have improved our state of mind.”

With Davis Polk offering associates the Mirror workout system, are we seeing an exercise war a-brewin’? Will another firm offer Ergatta next? Perhaps the mainstream popularity of Peloton will convince others to given a similar perk. Regardless, you have to appreciate the attention well-being is getting from Biglaw atm. And we’re here for it.

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter (@Kathryn1).
