Adjusting To The New Normal On Campus | Gold/Fox: Non-Billable

By Brendan Kennedy

September 16, 2020

Adjusting To The New Normal On Campus | Gold/Fox: Non-Billable


By Brendan Kennedy

Sarah Gold and Michael Fox are back for season 3 of Gold/Fox: Non-Billable. This week they talk to each other about what it’s been like returning to teach on campus with COVID-19 precautions in place and how they’re adjusting to the new normal.

Gold who is an adjunct professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York and Fox who is an assistant professor of business law at Mount Saint Mary’s College in Newburgh, New York talk about the new normal on their respective campuses.

They talk about what its like teaching a class where students are 12 hours away, how the reopening plans have given students multiple options for online and in-person learning and what some of the challenges have been so far this semester.

They then turn the questions on ‘Producer Brendan,’ who talks about returning to work at the NYSBA offices and balancing working from home with two children, ages 1 and 3.

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