Hawaii reports no new virus case for 1st time in 2 months

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii on Friday reported no new case of the coronavirus for the first time in nearly two months.

The state Department of Health said the number of positive cases remained at 629. The last time there was no new case was on March 13, when Hawaii had just two cases total.

Hawaii has been under a statewide stay-at-home order since the last week of March to slow the spread of the disease. Since the same week, it has also been requiring all those arriving in the state and traveling between the islands to observe 14 days of quarantine.

Gov. David Ige has relaxed some restrictions, including allowing shopping malls to reopen. They will open their doors on Maui on Monday and on Oahu next Friday.

People have been allowed to go to golf courses and have elective medical procedures as of May 1.