President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump participates in a live Fox News Channel virtual town hall about the response to the coronavirus disease pandemic on Sunday. Credit: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

A trio of reporters from the Washington Post writes: “President Trump on Sunday sought to reassure Americans that it is safe for states to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, offering support to protesters who have railed against the lockdowns across the country. ‘I really believe that you can go to parks, you can go to beaches . . . [if] you stay away a certain amount,’ Trump said during a Fox News Channel town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. … He scaled up the estimate he has used for the number of expected dead — projecting that the U.S. toll may be as high as 100,000, up from his prior prediction of 65,000 — while emphasizing that he takes the novel coronavirus seriously ….”

This from WCCO-TV, “One of the state’s largest pork processing plants will reopen this week. At least 350 workers at the JBS plant in Worthington have tested positive for COVID-19. Wednesday’s reopening is part of President Donald Trump’s executive order mandating meat processing plants stay open during the pandemic.”

The Associated Press reports, “Faced with 20,000 coronavirus deaths and counting, the nation’s nursing homes are pushing back against a potential flood of lawsuits with a sweeping lobbying effort to get states to grant them emergency protection from claims of inadequate care. At least 15 states have enacted laws or governors’ orders that explicitly or apparently provide nursing homes and long-term care facilities some protection from lawsuits arising from the crisis.”

KSTP-TV reports: “Monday, a new group of businesses have the option to restart some of their business, helping to put about 30,000 Minnesotans back to work. The executive order from Gov. Tim Walz allows certain retailers to open back up, with restrictions; however, some say the order doesn’t go far enough.”

A Duluth News Tribune story says, “Menards is requiring all guests of its stores to wear a mask or face covering while shopping due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those without a mask or face covering can buy one at the store.”

Says Bill Strande for KARE-TV, “Minneapolis police say two people are seriously hurt after a collision that involved a pedestrian and a person riding a bicycle. The crash happened around 4:50 p.m. Saturday near Washington Ave. and Huron Blvd. in Minneapolis. … [Police spokesman, John] Elder said the pedestrian is in critical condition and the bicyclist is in serious condition.”

Says the Star Tribune’s Tim Harlow, “Data from the State Court Administrator’s Office show that statewide from Aug. 1 to Dec. 31, 2019, just 25 motorists were ticketed for failing to ‘move out of the left-most lane to allow another vehicle to pass, when practicable under existing conditions,’ as the law requires on roads such as freeways with two or more travel lanes going in the same direction.”

Also in the Star Tribune, this from Evan Ramstad, “In less than two months, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven the U.S. economy into a swift, steep downturn, damaging thousands of businesses and pushing 30 million people out of their jobs. But for Golden Valley-based General Mills, it has led to skyrocketing demand for its products and an extreme test for 40,000 workers around the world. … In North America, where it makes most of its $17 billion in annual sales, General Mills’ factories have been running flat out for two months.”

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  1. Now wait just a darn minute here! I thought this was another liberal plot to remove trump from office. You remember…A HOAX. No wait it was real, but like magic would just disappear. Oh wait, it was more like the flue. No wait, just add some Clorox to your morning coffee and it goes away. BUT whatever you do, do NOT listen to the doctors and science, because it was all Obama`s fault. And as the song says, “the Liar tweets tonight”!

  2. We may not ever know the exact death toll from any disease, but can be solidly in the ballpark. As for Trump’s latest 100,000 figure, that’s a given, the only question is whether the US will hit it in May or early June. It’s also a given because anything Trump says turns out to be (at best) wishful thinking, if not a direct lie.

    It’s likely that Red-controlled States (like FL and GA) will now start to game the death numbers, and try to shift their Covid deaths onto some other underlying cause. Of course, we are already very significantly under-reporting the deaths “caused” by Covid-19, as some deaths that are caused the virus are very likely being un- or mis-reported, while the indirect deaths (from not seeking medical care for a non-Covid illness, for example) are not being included in the numbers at all.

    Public health officials typically use the concept of “excess deaths” during a crisis to gauge the actual deaths resulting from the event. These are the deaths over and above what would have been expected for the time period in question. Early attempts at doing this in Europe are homing in on a figure of twice as many deaths resulting from the Covid pandemic than are reported as being “directly” caused by the virus.

    One can expect, of course, that this (uncontroversial) method of calculating event mortality will (also) be politicized by the conservative movement in the “exceptional nation”.

    1. “while the indirect deaths (from not seeking medical care for a non-Covid illness, for example) are not being included in the numbers at all.”

      That’s an interesting observation, but I think the more pressing question is how many died not because they didn’t seek it, but were refused medical care.

      How many people had their cancer treatments jerked out from under them? Or had surgeries postponed that were directly related to a death?

      The idea to maintain a capacity for caring for a large influx of virus patients is understandable, but the reality hasn’t come anywhere close to the early prognostications. Did we keep the hospitals empty too long? I don’t know, but it is worth looking into for future reference.

      I’m not aware of what Florida is doing, and frankly would take anything from the Huffpo with a bag of salt; there has been some consternation about the way New York is doing it’s tally as well, but I think it’s incumbent on us to come up with a reliable and uniform way to track cases and moralities, irrespective of any political agendas.

      1. I’d include both types of deaths.

        I can only agree with the proposal you make in your final sentence, Jim. (I’m assuming you weren’t making a word play on “moralities”…)

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