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The Guilty And The Innocent: FinTech Vs. Healthcare COVID-19 Crisis Series

Updated May 4, 2020, 09:53pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

This is the second in a series of articles comparing the COVID-19 crisis in Healthcare to the financial crisis in 2008 that led to an industry-shaping boom in FinTech. Find the first article in the series "Crisis Leads to Innovation" here, and the third article "An Innovation Timeline" here.

Lehman Brothers collapsed on September 15, 2008. The ripple effects of the events stemming from the financial crisis caused life savings to disappear and retirements to be put on hold. There was a feeling of anger and distrust toward the financial system, toward Wall Street, and toward the banking industry as a whole. Bad actors could be found throughout the value chain, but there were those on the front-lines managing “Average Joe” money who had no knowledge of the negligence being done in their industry, and had to deliver the news to their clients that their hard-earned savings were gone. The infrastructure of the industry did not come together to protect the people.

Oli Scarff / Getty Images

As the nation rebuilt, fingers sought a direction to point. Subprime lenders, investment banks, mortgage companies, and large retail banks found themselves in the spotlight. Deeper analysis revealed a system that was left to be shaped by the market, rather than tightly contained by regulation and oversight. “Over and over again ideology trumped governance. Our regulators became enablers rather than enforcers. Their trust in the wisdom of the markets was infinite. The mantra became, government regulation is wrong, the market is infallible,” said Representative Henry Waxman, Democratic chairman of the Government Oversight Committee at a 2008 hearing.

Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman admitted in October 2008 at the same hearing, "I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organizations, specifically banks and others, was such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms."

The parallel here is to the healthcare industry’s inability to properly protect citizens from COVID-19. Tuning into the news, an activity that many are avoiding simply for mental health’s sake, confirms that we don’t have enough mask and uniform equipment to keep our front line and essential workers safe, don’t have enough tests to know how to combat the disease and keep the public safe, and don’t have enough clinical equipment and manpower to keep the sickest safe.

Some may say modern healthcare was never designed for this. They might say that healthcare in the U.S. began as a way to keep people alive and nothing more, and it has evolved to where it is now organically and without design. I would challenge the idea that our healthcare system has not been the result of design, primarily by for-profit organizations with shareholders to appease. It has been designed by hospital executives, insurance companies, pharmacy billing managers, and large, closed-system software companies. Critics might say that the need to shift focus to population health is new and we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for not being able to combat these issues yet. I would offer that the industry has, in the last few decades, been more focused on profit than necessary adaptation and evolution , and if there is one good thing that comes from Covid-19 it will be if we are able to take the opportunity to design a better, more modern system and launch forward from this disaster.

Our doctors, nurses, and other clinicians are heroes in this fight. They were not the ones to build the rails on which the industry runs, but are the ones having to manage the fallout. They hold the hands of the dying, wear photos of themselves smiling to comfort patients, deal creatively with what supplies they have, and when possible, share their experience so the public knows what’s really going on behind closed doors. Like the disenfranchised traders, analysts, and financial crisis veterans before them, when the dust settles this population will be critical in redesigning a health system that works. The question is, will we create opportunities for them to share their experience, and more importantly, will we truly listen with the intent to implement solutions? How will the healthcare industry learn and grow from this?

The next article in this series will examine the timeline of innovation following the financial crisis, and compare it to the potential next steps in a healthcare technology renaissance. To check out that article, "An Innovation Timeline," click hereFollow me for updates on Forbes by clicking the Follow button at the near my bio to subscribe, or by following me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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