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From Drone Police To Second Wave Warnings, Russia In Full Coronavirus Panic

Updated May 4, 2020, 06:42am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

Russia seems to be in full coronavirus panic.

Their Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin, is the second high ranking official to be stricken by COVID-19. Boris Johnson of the UK was first.

The country has 134,687 cases as of Sunday evening, and 1,280 deaths. They’re approaching peak, but not there yet, based on the number of daily cases still rising.

This is a problem because as Germany, France, Spain and Italy all track lower in infection rates, Russia is on the cusp of surpassing them. It is the 7th most infected nation, trailing Germany.

Everyone must be looking at China and saying, “how on Earth did you get away with 82,000 cases and we’re stuck with double that?”

Regardless of China’s numerical inaccuracies, everyone is following in their footsteps with forced quarantine and business closures. Not only that, the use of surveillance drones are now becoming ubiquitous. Russia is rolling them out now to police people not abiding by social distancing orders.

The drones will be spying on residents of Moscow, according to police reports. Air surveillance was first used this weekend to monitor people’s movements in parks. Information on violators gets transmitted to police units serving on patrol routes nearby and if police catch you, you are fined at least 5,000 rubles for first offenders.

About 36 Gazprom workers came down with the virus over the weekend in one region, with the local health authorities estimating that the number is probably 100 times that.

Around 10,000 people were tested for the new SARS coronavirus at the Gazprom’s Chayandinskoye field and nearly 30% had a preliminary positive result in the first round of testing, according to health authorities there quoted by the Vedomosti business daily on Sunday. Those suspected this weekend to be positive had no symptoms of COVID-19.

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Europe is tip-toeing back to normal. But the coronavirus attacked Russia a bit later, so they are roughly a month behind them.

Aeroflot spokeswoman Yulia Spivakova said that they won’t begin international flights until “mid-summer”.

More than 9.3 billion rubles is expected to be allocated to Russian airlines from a Kremlin coronavirus relief package aimed to compensate them for lost income.  Another 2.1 billion rubles is going to airports for lost revenue due to Russia’s ban on international flights on March 27.

Like every other country stricken by the pandemic, Russia’s public health authorities need to give their blessing before state economies can get back to work.

The Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko, said in an interview on Russia 24 this weekend that they were worried about the possibility of a second wave "if we do not get to population immunity."

He did not say when this second wave would hit. If this is like other seasonal coronaviruses, then it could come back in the winter.

The first SARS, discovered in China in November 2002, disappeared in July 2003 with little to no cases after that.

Murashko said there are too many unknowns in Russia to think about removing quarantine measures. But once they get past peak, he said they will move in stages like the rest of Europe.

“We still need to get to herd immunity,” he said, largely believed to be a 60% infection rate among the population.

Russia is dealing with the double whammy of weak oil and a public health crisis.

Equity investors like it, because it has made Russia’s best companies cheaper than ever.

“We bought Gazprom, Norilsk Nickel and X5 and are looking to buy more Yandex YNDX   YNDX ,” says Arent Thijsen, a fund manager for Blauwtulp Wealth Management in The Netherlands. “A lot of Russian equities are very cheap right now and have unexpectedly solid growth,” he says.

TS Lombard analyst Chris Granville thinks that Russia is falling into a recession deeper than its last one in 2014 when oil was also in a freefall. But this time, the added pressure of having to backstop business and individual income due to forced lockdown measures means a conservative-minded Russia will have to spend more liberally.

Russia will end up with a larger budget deficit for once, and that puts at risk the fiscal conservatism many foreign investors actually liked about Russia, especially if they were bond holders.


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