The latest on the spread of the coronavirus around the world

A woman wearing a face mask and gloves protection against coronavirus walks past a closed shop in Madrid, Spain. Picture: Manu Fernandez/AP

A woman wearing a face mask and gloves protection against coronavirus walks past a closed shop in Madrid, Spain. Picture: Manu Fernandez/AP

Published Apr 25, 2020


Some 2.8 million people have been

reported to be infected by the novel coronavirus globally and

196 298 have died, according to a Reuters tally as of 0200 GMT

on Saturday. 



* The World Health Organization said there was currently "no

evidence" that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have

antibodies are protected from a second coronavirus


* Britain could hit the grim milestone of 20,000 Covid-19 deaths

later on Saturday, when the daily count is added to the current

toll of 19,506 people who tested positive for the illness and

died in hospital. 

Mounted police officers are seen along a deserted Mall, during lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak in London. Picture: Alberto Pezzali/AP

* Poland plans to reopen outdoor sports areas on May 4 and will

allow top league football matches to be played at the end of

next month, as part of an easing of coronavirus


* Spain's daily coronavirus deaths fell to the lowest in more

than a month on Friday, prompting the government to declare the

most acute phase of the epidemic over as it prepared criteria to

ease one of Europe's strictest lockdowns. 


* With the US coronavirus death toll topping 51 000 and nearly

one in six workers out of a job, Georgia, Oklahoma and several

other states took tentative steps at reopening businesses on

Friday, despite disapproval from President Donald Trump and

medical experts.

* Makers of household cleaners took the unusual step of urging

people not to drink or inject their products, after Trump

suggested researchers try using them to cure Covid-19


A pair of bicyclists, foreground, wave to musicians George Sheldon, left, and Sandra Carter as they perform a neighbourhood concert in Sacramento, California. Picture: Rich Pedroncelli/AP

* A key US government trial of Gilead Sciences Inc's

experimental coronavirus treatment may yield results as early as

mid-May, according to the study's lead investigator, after

doctors clamored to enroll their patients in the


* The US Food and Drug Administration cautioned against the

use of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 patients

outside of hospitals and clinical trials, citing risks of

serious heart rhythm problems. 


* The Indian government allowed a limited reopening of shops in

neighbourhoods and residential areas from Saturday, more than a

month after the nation went into a lockdown, officials


* Nearly 150 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed

among crew members of an Italian cruise ship docked in Japan

after health authorities finished testing everyone on board, an

official said on Saturday. 

The area around Jama Masjid mosque is seen deserted on the first day of Ramadaan, during a lockdown to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in Prayagraj, India. Picture: Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP

* Tokyo reported 103 new cases of coronavirus infections on

Saturday, Kyodo news reported, amid concerns that the start of a

holiday season could lead to an increase in


* China's northwestern province of Shaanxi reported on Saturday

seven new imported coronavirus cases, all in citizens returning

home from Russia, even as domestic cases in the country were

largely curbed. 


* The holy month of Ramadaan began on Friday with Islam's holiest

sites in Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem largely empty. 

Residents wait in line to fill their jerry cans, as people often have to walk half an hour to the closest water point several times a day and wait in crowded lines in order to get enough water to wash hands, bathe and cook, on the outskirts of Ouagadougou. Burkina Faso is one of Africa's nations hardest hit by the coronavirus with one of the highest number of fatalities in sub-Saharan Africa. Picture: Sam Mednick/AP

* South Africa plans to reopen its agriculture sector and allow

some manufacturing and retail to resume as the country balances

the need to restart economic output and curb the spread of the

new coronavirus, Trade and Industry Minister Ebrahim Patel said on



* Low cost airline Wizz Air said it would restart some

flights from London's Luton Airport on May 1, becoming one of

the first European carriers to begin to restore services which

have been grounded during the coronavirus pandemic. 

* EU countries will soon be able to grant subordinated debt to

prop up virus-hit economies, people familiar with the matter

said on Saturday, as state aid regulators once again loosened

rules to make it easier for companies get state


* The Greek economy, hit by coronavirus restrictions, is

expected to shrink by 5-10% this year, the country's finance

minister said on Saturday. 

Neighbours gather at dawn to commemorate Anzac Day in a suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand. Many New Zealanders participated in the "Stand At Dawn" initiative to commemorate Anzac Day after the traditional services were cancelled due to Covid-19. Picture: Mark Baker/AP

* Senior World Bank officials warned that developing economies

could see a deeper recession than currently expected if

consumption and investment do not rebound quickly after the


* Global equity benchmarks struggled on Friday as some US states began reopening businesses despite the disapproval of

health experts, and as the European Union put off addressing

details of its new economic rescue plan.


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