Bloomberg Law
April 24, 2020, 6:47 PM UTC

Heart Warning From FDA Deals New Blow to Hyped Covid Therapy (1)

Drew Armstrong
Drew Armstrong
Bloomberg News
Robert Langreth
Robert Langreth
Bloomberg News
Riley Ray Griffin
Riley Ray Griffin
Bloomberg News

The Food and Drug Administration warned of potential serious heart risks from malaria drugs touted by President Donald Trump for Covid-19, becoming the latest U.S. agency to dial back hopes of a quick pharmaceutical solution to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump has grasped for off-the-shelf fixes to stem the pandemic’s risks to the U.S. and restart the economy, at times dabbling with unproven or dangerous ideas. At a press briefing Thursday, he appeared to suggest administering cleaning products or ultraviolet light inside the body to fight the virus. On Friday, he said his remarks were intended as a joke and that ...

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