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(Dixie D. Vereen for The Washington Post)

Kate Cohen is a writer in Albany, N.Y.

When my family went into lockdown four weeks ago, I thought, Let’s do this.

I live on a farm; years ago I learned to can tomato sauce and pickle relish and freeze collard greens. Our chickens crank out a dozen eggs a day. We’ve got a short growing season here in Upstate New York, but by May we have every expectation of asparagus.

I like to cook, and I’m comforted by quantity. I use three freezers and two pantries. I make seven quarts of granola at a time, three loaves of oat bread, six baguettes, two quiches — why make just one? Why not keep extra in the freezer and be prepared?

So I felt prepared back in mid-March, and, honestly, a little excited.

Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

For my whole life, my scratch-cooking skills and the stockpile they produced were, strictly speaking, unnecessary. Extreme home cooking was just a hobby. My local supermarket always stocked English muffins and salsa. No one ever said, “Thank goodness, Kate’s here, or there would be no mayonnaise.”

Now they might! At least that’s what I thought when we were told to stay home. I thought: I might really need my thrift, my stock of stock, and my ability to make dinner out of half a head of cabbage, some tomato paste and two slices of salami.

At last, I’d emerge like an action hero after a training montage and head to the pantry for my weapons — the cache of rice, beans, and pasta, and the weird stuff, too. Six different bottles of hot sauce; beignet mix from a friend’s 2016 trip to New Orleans; a tiny, time-smudged box of couscous, provenance unknown.

Food, in other words, that has been waiting a very long time to be pressed into service to feed three captive teenagers.

They’re good kids, but they’re not shy about expressing . . . preferences. In my lockdown fantasy, no one would be choosy, because there’d be no choice. Oh, you don’t like five-year-old dilly beans? You prefer not to eat the homemade raspberry jam that has turned the color of liver? You reject the Eggos I bought in honor of your “Stranger Things” obsession?

Sorry, kids: It’s a national emergency. Consuming chili made from freezer-burned ground turkey and a bottle of Yucatan Sunshine sauce is our patriotic duty.

In my fantasy, I brilliantly make do, creating delicious food from limited ingredients.

In my reality, I drive to the grocery and buy essentially whatever I want. I know that’s not true everywhere. But here in Albany, food shortages so far mean that I can’t find the right brand of all-purpose flour. I’d love to bake a war cake, but the truth is I still have butter, eggs and milk.

Global Opinions writer Jason Rezaian spent a year and a half in an Iranian prison. How he coped with panic and anxiety applies to the fear of coronavirus today. (Video: The Washington Post)

At the store the other day, masked and sanitized, I stared at the Earl Grey tea. I had run out. But shouldn’t I just work my way through my endless stash of nameless teas? Am I supposed to stock up or make do?

Or am I supposed to splurge?

Not only can I still buy almost all the usual ingredients, but I’m also being told that to keep the economy going and my local restaurants in business, I should order takeout (#takeouttuesday #thegreatamericantakeout). Takeout!

Due to modest disposable income and habitual thrift, takeout is a big treat in our house, requiring the parenting equivalent of two-man control for a missile launch. But just because we can from time to time, does that mean we should?

The kids say, “Yes, please.” But I can’t figure out the ethics of it. Ordering takeout helps restaurants stay in business, but it also puts cars on the road and people into contact with each other. Is it right to keep people employed or wrong to put them in harm’s way?

And I can’t figure out my feelings, either.

It’s a war out there. The casualties are horrific: The death toll in my state has climbed beyond 10,000, and still people are dying. People are struggling to care for their families. People are struggling to breathe. And then there are the soldiers: people risking their lives to save others and people risking their lives to stock grocery shelves for people like me. Shouldn’t I at least have to make dinner?

The Opinions section is looking for stories of how the coronavirus has affected people of all walks of life. Write to us.

During World War II, people on the home front survived on rations, for heaven’s sake. The government urged them to scavenge scrap metal and plant victory gardens. For us (unless we can sew), it’s stream Netflix and order victory sushi.

Fine. Let’s do this. Order your roll combos, kids. But don’t throw away the extra wasabi — I think I can make something with that.

Read more:

Tamal Ray: I spend my day working in the hospital. Then I come home and bake.

Stephen McKenna: Moral ambiguity in a supermarket parking lot

Joseph G. Allen: Don’t panic about shopping, getting delivery or accepting packages

Naomi Pomeroy: Restaurants closed by coronavirus won’t reopen without economic assistance

Michele L. Norris: The coronavirus is amplifying the bias already embedded in our social fabric

Coronavirus: What you need to know

Covid isolation guidelines: Americans who test positive for the coronavirus no longer need to routinely stay home from work and school for five days under new guidance planned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The change has raised concerns among medically vulnerable people.

New coronavirus variant: The United States is in the throes of another covid-19 uptick and coronavirus samples detected in wastewater suggests infections could be as rampant as they were last winter. JN.1, the new dominant variant, appears to be especially adept at infecting those who have been vaccinated or previously infected. Here’s how this covid surge compares with earlier spikes.

Latest coronavirus booster: The CDC recommends that anyone 6 months or older gets an updated coronavirus shot, but the vaccine rollout has seen some hiccups, especially for children. Here’s what you need to know about the latest coronavirus vaccines, including when you should get it.