A subsidiary factory under Lecico for Ceramic Industries has had to temporarily close its doors due to the detection of two coronavirus (COVID-19) cases.

The company confirmed with the Ministry of Health that two workers at its Borg El-Arab factory in Alexandria, which produces 35% of the groups sanitary wares products, had tested positive for Covid-19.

All of the companys other production sites, however, remain operational. Lecico anticipates that there will be minimal disruption to its consumer services from the closure, given the companys current stock levels and the already slowing demand for products as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Lecico will adjust and adapt its operation as necessary to continue operations with best health and safety practices in place, in case of any future issues.

Since the coronavirus outbreak began, Lecico has committed to staying operational while implementing best practices to limit the risks from the virus affecting its employees.

2020 Daily News Egypt. Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. (Syndigate.info).

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