Our Fave Spring Gaming Deals for PS4, Xbox, Switch, and PC

April means game sales, and who couldn't use a little escapism right now? 

Stuck inside? Yeah, me too. Some days I just lay under a weighted blanket and listen to Landslide on repeat. Games help. Until this pandemic took hold, I hadn't made a dent in my backlog of videogames to play. Now they're a bright spot in an otherwise dark time. Games can offer an escape that engages all your senses. They let you step into another world, if only for a little while.

Lots of great games from the past couple of years are getting deep discounts right now, which makes it a great time to pick up a few you might have missed, if you're able. That's why I'm spending so much time dying repeatedly, forever playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Here are a few of my other favorites.

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Nintendo Switch Deals
Photograph: Nintendo
PS4 Deals
Photograph: Sony
  • Mortal Kombat 11 for $20 ($20 off): This one might not be a great pick if you have competitive roommates or family members, since we're all stuck inside. But Mortal Kombat 11 is an excellent addition in the violent and venerable series.

  • God of War for $15 ($5 off): This is a soft reboot of the previously blood-and-testosterone-soaked thrill rides that were the God of War games of yore. This entry is a more thoughtful story about demigod Kratos and his son Atreus, as they trek across the frozen north, contending with Nordic deities and monsters. It's already considered a modern classic.

  • The Witcher 3 Complete Edition for $15 ($45 off) (Also at GameStop): This is a killer deal on a sprawling epic filled with memorable (if not always likeable) characters, locales, and monsters. It's an excellent companion to the Netflix series, The Witcher.

  • Death Stranding for $30 ($30 off): Taking on the role of a postapocalyptic gig worker might be a bit close to home for some people right now, but Hideo Kojima's latest (and probably weirdest) game is a lovingly crafted open-world game. It's a bit of a slow burn, a thoughtful trek through a beautiful and broken world.

Xbox One Deals
Photograph: Microsoft 
  • Red Dead Redemption II for $30 ($30 off): There are a lot of open-world games on this list, and for good reason. Sometimes it's nice to just be somewhere else. Rockstar's latest entry in the Red Dead series sees players explore the life of outlaw Arthur Morgan as he and his friends are slowly pushed aside by the all-consuming growth of a society that no longer needs or wants them. Plus, it's absolutely gorgeous; the scenic vistas alone are worth the price of entry.

  • Control for $39 ($20 off): Imagine if David Lynch made the X-Files. That's pretty much Control. This is a delightfully bizarre third-person action game set in a richly realized and carefully crafted world. If you like lore, mystery, and plumbing the unknowable depths of an infinite skyscraper, and who doesn't, you should definitely check it out.

  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice for $39 ($20 off):The spiritual successor to Tenchu on the original Playstation, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action game from the studio that brought us Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Yeah, so, prepare to die a lot as you learn this game. Not exactly for the faint of heart, but if you like difficult games, over-the-top ninja action, and inscrutable weirdness, you'd be well served by checking out this game.

PC Deals
Photograph: HP
  • Resident Evil 2 Remake for $20 ($20 off): A modern remake of an old-school classic, Resident Evil 2, puts you in the shoes of either rookie cop Leon Kennedy or biker gal Claire Redfield, as they fight to survive the first night of a zombie apocalypse by hiding out in a creepy old police station.

  • Borderlands 3 for $30 ($30 off) (Also at Amazon): This first-person looter-shooter is exactly what it sounds like. You spend your time shooting hordes of enemies, and picking up the mountains of multicolored loot afterward. It's surprisingly addictive.

  • The Outer Worlds for $39 ($20 off) (Also at Amazon): This one is a thoughtful sci-fi role-playing game with some of the best queer representation from a major studio ever. If you liked Fallout: New Vegas, you'll like The Outer Worlds.

  • Dead Cells for $20 ($5 off): Dead Cells is seemingly always on sale, so it's never a bad time to pick it up. Part Metroid, part Castlevania, this is a fun and unique game filled with interesting characters and, of course, lots of loot to grab.

Spring Sales Pages

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