Louisiana prisoner Patrick Jones said to be first to die of COVID-19 In A US Federal Prison

Sadly we’ll probably never know the effect COVID-19 is happening in most US federal , state & remand prisons (never mind the rest of the world).

The David Feldman Blog reports.…….Prisoner dies. Louisiana prisoner Patrick Jones appears to be the first COVID-19 victim to die in a U.S. federal prison.

He was 47 and serving time in a minimum-security lockup for a drug-related crime (not cannabis). Jones apparently had other long-standing medical issues. Some states have begun to look at early release of older prisoners and those with underlying immunity issues, especially those with low level or non-violent crimes or those awaiting trial that could not afford bail.

Source: http://www.davidfeldmanblog.com/corona-cannabis-update-5-first-prisoner-death-cares-loans-available/