NSW Law Society COVID-19 FAQ Page

The NSW Law Society (Australia) have published a FAQ page for COVID-19 issues

With regards to the delicate but pressing manner of wills here’s the advice they are providing

Many members have contacted the Law Society regarding social distancing during transactions including creation of wills and powers of attorney, and the appointment of enduring guardians. The Law Society raised these concerns with Government, which moved to include provisions in the COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020. The Bill includes a regulation-making power in the Electronic Transactions Act 2000 to provide for altered arrangements for the signature, witnessing or attestation of documents, and can include documents referred to under the Oaths Act 1900, Guardianship Act 1987, Succession Act 2006, Powers of Attorney Act 2003, Conveyancing Act 1919, or any other Act administered by the Attorney General. The Law Society will work with Government to enact such regulations as soon as possible.

Pending the enactment of the regulations, consider other options including:

  • Check who are eligible witnesses. Many documents allow medical practitioners to be witnesses. 
  • See if a colleague is able to assist because they are not subject to the same restrictions. You can look at the Law Society’s Find a Lawyer page for local solicitors

In the meantime, you must adhere to the current legislative position
Click on the image below to go to the  FAQ page