Weaker economic outlook poses ‘huge challenge’ for Scottish independence

Professor Graeme Roy: SNP needs credible but tough plan
Professor Graeme Roy: SNP needs credible but tough plan

A leading economist who helped to build the Scottish government case for independence in 2014 says that the SNP faces huge challenges in resetting its pitch within Nicola Sturgeon’s timescale for a second referendum.

The SNP leader intends to put the issue to another vote by the end of next year.

Professor Graeme Roy of Glasgow University, a former senior Scottish government civil servant who led the first minister’s policy unit, warned that a weaker economic outlook for Scotland than before posed serious challenges.

An arguably even greater challenge, he suggested, was keeping together a more diverse Yes campaign on issues including the currency an independent Scotland would use.

In a new paper, Roy argues that in refreshing its vision, the SNP could take a