NAR announced the annual competition on Monday with an appeal for applications from startups seeking an opportunity to pitch themselves to investors, real estate pros and tech enthusiasts.

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The National Association of Realtors announced Monday that it is seeking applications for its sixth annual “pitch battle” competition which will take place August 28-29 in Chicago.

The trade group is seeking applications from real estate startups seeking an opportunity to pitch themselves to investors, real estate professionals and tech enthusiasts for a chance to win $15,000, a booth at NAR’s NXT conference, a meeting with the executive team of Second Century Ventures— NAR’s venture capital arm,  and a feature in Realtor Magazine.

“NAR is committed to fostering innovation in the real estate industry, and the Pitch Battle competition is an excellent opportunity for startups to shine,” said Alex Lange, NAR vice president of Strategy and Innovation. “Companies can showcase their forward-thinking solutions while receiving invaluable exposure and feedback from influential investors, practitioners and tech experts.”

Pitch battle participants will deliver a four-minute pitch to a panel of judges, which will be followed by a four-minute question-and-answer session from the judges about how their product works and how it can be used to improve the real estate industry.

“Winning this event offers unparalleled visibility and opportunities to accelerate growth, opening doors to industry recognition and valuable connections,” Lange said.

2023’s pitch fest saw AI phone call enhancing startup emerge victorious after winning judges over with a live phone call with a potential client during their pitch, in which the tool processed the call in real time and was able to perform tasks such as searching for available properties and schedule an upcoming meeting.

In 2022, home renovations startup Revive was named the winner. The company, which helps guide homesellers through the renovation process to increase the value of their homes, was lauded for its potential to have a noticeable impact on real estate professionals and consumers alike.

Applications for the Pitch Battle will be accepted through June 21, 2024 at

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