
Con­struc­tion Shut Down Update – Recom­mis­sion­ing or Com­mence­ment works allowed on cer­tain Con­struc­tion Sites as of 29 July 2021

On 28 July 2021, the Min­is­ter passed amend­ments to clause 24AB intro­duced on 18 July 2021 under the Pub­lic Health (Covid-19 Tem­po­rary Move­ment and Gath­er­ing Restric­tions) Amend­ment (No 16) Order 2021 (the Orders), adding an addi­tion­al clause to allow Con­trac­tors in the Greater Syd­ney area to per­form recom­mis­sion­ing works on Con­struc­tion Sites locat­ed out­side the Local Gov­ern­ment Areas of Black­town, Can­ter­bury Bankstown, Camp­bell­town, Cum­ber­land, Fair­field, Georges Riv­er, Liv­er­pool and Parramatta.

The amend­ments to include clause 24AB(1A) per­mit the fol­low­ing non-exhaus­tive list of works which may be car­ried out from 29 July 2021 onwards: 

  • Check­ing or main­tain­ing instal­la­tion or equipment,
  • clean­ing, waste removal or waste management,
  • stock­tak­ing or restocking,
  • deliv­ery of mate­ri­als, or equipment,
  • serv­ing or instal­la­tion of amenities,
  • relo­ca­tion on the con­struc­tion site of plant or equipment,
  • issu­ing per­mits or certificates,
  • estab­lish­ing arrange­ment or pro­ce­dures to help pro­tect per­sons from Covid-19,
  • erect­ing fenc­ing or hoarding,
  • inspec­tions,
  • remov­ing water,
  • con­nect­ing pow­er, fuel or services,
  • Safe­ty works,
  • sur­vey­ing or mark­ing out.

Please note that actu­al con­struc­tion works are still not per­mit­ted and that con­trac­tors should be cau­tious about works which may go beyond recom­mis­sion­ing or com­mence­ment works. We are antic­i­pat­ing a fur­ther amend­ment to be released short­ly regard­ing con­struc­tions works out­side the above LGA’s.

Fur­ther, if you also reside in one of the afore­men­tioned LGA’s, please con­sult the fol­low­ing check list pro­vid­ed by the NSW Gov­ern­ment to iden­ti­fy whether you are an autho­rised per­son per­mit­ted to leave your LGA for rea­sons pro­vid­ed in the Orders: https://​www​.nsw​.gov​.au/​c​o​v​i​d​-​19​/​r​u​l​e​s​/​a​u​t​h​o​r​i​s​e​d​-​w​o​rkers

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